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So I was surfing the libraries...

Started by NumyMufn, January 23, 2010, 08:32:02 PM

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The new Tim & Eric promo has caused some buzz and I thought I'd at least make an effort to find it. Instead I ran across another track (surprise) but I couldn't place it.
having some deja vu here
Turns out it was one of the songs from the 'Pole Dance Hero' game at the  :lol:  :roll:
You caught me at a bad time -

I'm awake.


can you give me a link, i wanna try to help to :wink:


For the promo? sure  :wink:

If you wanna be a Pole Dance Hero:

ummm... if you can't get in due to your location let me know, I'll find an alternative.
You caught me at a bad time -

I'm awake.


Artist:   Da Diggler / Labrinth
Album:   Bassline
Title:   Falling 4 U
Available From:

here you are :)


Awesome!  :-D Thank you so much!

EDIT: Holy cow, this is the first time the advanced search has failed me  :| I was still power-surfing FirstCom looking for more of the PoleDance Hero tracks, but I had started that by searching "vocoder" which in Extreme's advanced search returned NOTHING! I looked at the keywords under the track description and sure enough there was the word 'vocoder' - it only worked in the basic search  :-P

I'm so glad you found this, I've learned something new - search engines are so wonky  :roll: It's like I have to get to know every site's quirks to get them to work properly.
You caught me at a bad time -

I'm awake.


not at all, it wasn't so difficult
some track from this album was on 2x2 promo, and i checked all album and remembered this one cause it's awesome :mrgreen:

upd: omg - 'vocoder' in advanced search - really NOTHING :)


Thank you very much for the ID, PolarLight! I like that tune  :-D.
"For a moment, I lost my head. I was just a selfish, confused torso." - Bob Oblong


not at all, BW helped me much more :wink: